Tuesday, June 27, 2023

What A Tuesday!

Tuesday what is going on? It's not quite 10AM. And I feel so out of sorts. I didn't sleep great last night. But honestly, that's nothing new. Or groundbreaking. But I woke up feeling so anxious. I was able to get myself ready on time. I basically ran to the bus stop. And then the bus never came...

I waited for almost 40 minutes. The bus I usually take, didn't show up. The second line that goes through the same area...never came. But that bus is notorious for not showing up. I checked online...and there was no bus on the way. So I was getting ready to walk to the main bus depot. And here comes a bus. By a miracle of God...I made my connecting bus. 35 minutes later than normal...but I made it.

Once I got to my normal stop, I realized I didn't put on my shorts, under my dress. About a month ago, I learned this the hard way. I'm positive I flashed everyone going into work one morning. Not on purpose. Just a sudden burst of wind. So I was being cautious on my 4 block walk. That includes going over a freeway. 

When my cousin's ex-wife popped out of nowhere. Stopped in the middle of the busy street. She wanted to give me a ride. I was less than 2 blocks from where I volunteer. So I assured her I was OK. And we were blocking traffic. She then told me to tell my Mom Hi and that she missed her. I nearly burst into tears right there. She didn't know my Mom died over a year ago. It was so weird. I just stood there. Like if someone had hit me over the head. That was a first.

In the end, I was only running about 40 minutes late. Which isn't really late. If I'm supposed to be checking in at 9:30AM. But I'm used to being early. Not rushing. Having some time to go pick up something to eat. Because I'd forgotten my breakfast at home. The Gas Station had already sold out of the yogurt I usually buy. They didn't have any bananas. So I left.

At this point, on a normal day, I'd go for a 20-30 minute walk around the neighborhood. But I didn't have time today. So I walked across the street. And towards the building where I volunteer. To almost be hit by a doctor. Whom I'm going to guess...was late to work. Because it was 8:20AM. And he was driving like a crazy man. It was me, a Porsche, an elderly lady that was slightly ahead of me with a walker, the big work truck that was trying to get through, or the curb. He ended up driving over the curb, hitting the landscaping, and yelling at all of us. I just thought...either you were going to kill that lady or me. Or crash into that Porsche. And then I'm assuming there would have been a ton of trouble. Because the owner likely would have had a heart attack...over being hit in a parking lot.

So I came straight to check in. I'd originally planned to go to Medical Records. Because I need my parents' records for my Genetic Testing. But I was already out of sorts. I actually checked in 2 minutes before my usual time. But this morning has really thrown me. 

I also forgot I was meeting someone who had ordered a stuffed toy from me. So I had to dash outside. And the parking lot is so full today! Since I got here...there was very little parking. What is happening today? I got to my customer. And back inside. To find the Gift Shop a mess. And not stocked. So I spent a good 40 minutes doing that before opening. 

Lately, I've noticed things like time...really get me flustered. Or if something throws my day off. I struggle to steer things in the right direction after that. I don't know what it is. I was prescribed some meds for anxiety. But if you know anything about me. I don't like to take medication, unless I absolutely need it. So I haven't been taking them. But I probably should have taken one this morning. I still feel jumpy. And not myself. Plus I'm so hungry!

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